I’m Not The Slightest Bit Excited For Bungie’s “Destiny”


Can someone tell me whats so special about Bungies upcoming, next gen release, Destiny?  I’m not the slightest bit interested..

After staying up until 5am, to watch Sony’s live E3 press conference overseas, i was congratulated with not only games that i was eagerly anticipating but also new releases that had not yet been revealed to the public eye.  Just as the press conference was about to end, Jack Trenton welcomed Bungie on stage to present their upcoming title Destiny. Now, previously i was not sold. What i basically obtained from the two trailers that had been released was that Destiny was going to be a “always changing” MMOFPS, that would draw numerous factions together in order to fight against an alien nemesis. Sure, what was revealed from Destiny at E3 looked great, graphically, but its just lacked something.

There was no incentive for me, to be interested at all. My main problem with the game is the fact that Bungie has decided to take the “MMO” route, whether it was to implement In-game Purchases in order to fuel Activision’s bank, or trying to take the cheapest route possible, i feel as if what players have come to expect from this widely respected Studio, will not meet their expectations. think about it, what if destiny was a massive SINGLE PLAYER FPS akin to the likes of borderlands, but on a more serious note, delving upon the ideas of human revolution against the opposing force, or the sense of mystery as you work to the end game to try and figure out what that giant hovering ball is. But instead, you’re forced to work together, in a group, which just ruins the experience. You no longer have freedom over what you want from the story, and instead is forced down a path that will inevitably end up with you constantly getting angry at your team mate for Stealing your loot.

"As soon as this bubble goes down, I'm going for the biggest piece of loot"

“As soon as this bubble goes down, I’m going for the biggest piece of loot”

I don’t get why developers have chosen to include co-op solely for the sake of either implementing an online pass feature, or simply just to add shelf life to their short 3-4 hour long campaign. Well for the most part, im ok with the latter option, but the fact that some developers have chosen to put this feature in, really kills the game for me. Dont get me wrong, all i ask from Developers and studios is for them to FOCUS on single player first and foremost, and once they’ve gotten that to the highest level of polish, then, IF and only if, their fans and supporters really want the inclusion of these features, hey go ahead.

i just dont get why some Studios decided to solely make their games MMOFPS/RPG. i just don’t get it.

2 Responses to I’m Not The Slightest Bit Excited For Bungie’s “Destiny”

  1. Silent Angel says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more man. I’d really have liked to see a great single player with a co op option than what destiny seems to be. Do have to say though, I remember them saying something along the lines of loot not being able to be stolen, that there would be loot generated for each person in the party.

    • PIXeL says:

      ah really? hmm… still, i’m yet to be drawn into Destiny. i guess simple FPS mechanics doesn’t really justify a purchase for me. Well we’ll just have to wait to see more gameplay i suppose :)

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